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How much blood is in a person?


All people have the same amount of blood in the body. However, there are average indicators taken as the norm. In an adult, blood makes up approximately 6-8% of the total body weight. Accordingly, for every kilogram of body weight there are 60-80 milliliters of blood.

Thus, in a person with an average body weight of 70 kg, the total blood volume will be approximately five liters. It may vary slightly, this is completely normal. However, severe deviations can cause health problems.

Blood functions

The unique functions of the circulatory system allow you to supply every cell in the body with the necessary nutrients, as well as filter out all harmful components. Blood is also involved in thermoregulation of the body. That is why blood loss exceeding half a liter in volume can affect well-being and health.

Composition of the blood

Blood mainly consists of erythrocytes – red blood cells, and plasma. It is due to red blood cells that the well-known red color of blood is obtained. Erythrocytes perform the functions of transporting various substances to all parts of the body, including the supply of oxygen.

Semi-detached and semi-detached

Congestion is a deviation from the norm, in which the human body contains more blood than necessary. At the same time, its composition, as a rule, remains completely normal. As a result, some problems arise. Thus, a full-blooded person can easily begin nosebleeds, and wounds and cuts, even minor ones, heal much longer, since the blood flows out under great pressure.

Anemia, or anemia, is characterized by a decrease in the proportion of red blood cells in the blood and a general violation of the composition of the circulatory system. As a result, there are problems with the overall functioning of the body. Anemia people are very painful and more susceptible to the negative influence of the external environment. However, all deviations from the norm in the circulatory system are currently treatable and do not pose, as before, a serious threat to life.

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