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How to choose an electric oven – a serious approach


It is often quite difficult to use an old-style electric stove. Obvious shortcomings over gas counterparts are striking when, for example, according to a recipe, a dish should not be fried, but baked. It is especially disappointing when cooking on gas is “interfered" by safety regulations that require the use of only electric stoves on high floors (above the tenth).

However, not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. To save yourself from the problems that inevitably arise for novice housewives and inexperienced cooks, it is enough to carefully consider the issue of choosing an oven or, in a simple way, an oven.

What options?

On the shelves of modern stores you can find various options, and helpful consultants will be happy to tell you how to choose an electric oven. However, informed means armed. So it would be useful to study the range before going to the store.

Ovens are independent, or independent, elements of kitchen appliances, and can be sold in a more familiar form – like a conventional oven with a hob located on top, that is, a dependent oven.

You can find an oven with self-control (they are also called autonomous) and one that has only one “on / off” button. The control of such a device is completely "tied" to the hob.

At the same time, manufacturers have set some restrictions. If you already have a hob, then the oven is selected according to its class. Plus, you need to make sure that the “top and bottom” are of the same company, otherwise it may be difficult to connect, and some of the functions will simply become unavailable.

The benefits of autonomy

A separate option is usually preferable, because an independent oven can be arbitrarily placed in a kitchen set, guided not only by your own sense of style, but also by the convenience of its use. This is also true for cramped domestic kitchens. Most often, modern housewives destroy the established “tradition” and mount the oven at chest level or higher. As a rule, this is done so as not to bend down every time you need to open the lid. And it’s much more convenient to get a dish of impressive size at the level of the countertop, and not at the “lower tier”.

To know how to choose an independent electric oven, it is necessary to check with the seller the energy class. After all, it depends on this indicator how much energy the device will take, how efficiently it consumes it. The best options are marked with the letter "A" with one or more pluses. And how much the oven will “pull” from the outlet (and therefore from your pocket) directly depends on the set of functions.

An oven that doesn’t need to be cleaned

It happens that the oven is equipped with a basic set of functions, usually no more than four. However, there are also multifunctional devices in which, in addition to the grill, there are 12 different heating options, the ability to set a program for cooking different dishes, and the dream of all housewives in the world is self-cleaning (the surface inside is covered with a special enamel resistant to various influences).

In addition, for the convenience of cooks, they came up with a non-heating oven door. It also saves you money. After all, less heat is consumed, which means that the electric meter does not spin so intensively.

It’s important to know

Most often, the oven has a standard size. The height and depth remain unchanged, and the width is most often 60 centimeters. True, sometimes manufacturers offer wider and narrower models.

By the way, now they are producing models that can be “squeezed” even into the space limited by wooden boxes. "Tight contact" will not be detrimental to plastic or natural material due to a special function – blowing cold air on the walls.

Before acquiring the model you like, you should definitely ask how to “steer” it. The functions of the furnace are controlled in different ways – mechanical or touch. Also recently there are devices with a mixed control system. All of them are good in their own way, so there can be no general advice here.

trump card 

In general, the electric oven not only does not differ functionally from gas predecessors, but often surpasses them.

One of its obvious advantages is that the temperature can be set with an accuracy of up to five degrees. Moreover, the oven can be heated in the shortest possible time, and then maintain the desired temperature throughout the entire process. Moreover, hot air comes not only from above or below, but often bakes the dish from all sides, including the back wall of the appliance. In this case, the temperature is usually the same throughout the entire area of ​​u200bu200bthe oven, so that the food will cook evenly.

However, for a person who is far from culinary experiments, most of these functions will be useless. After all, if you use the oven at most once a month, then the desire to find out why this button is most likely not even there. Although, there is a reasonable question, is the oven needed then at all.

People says

It should be borne in mind that, compared with gas counterparts, the cooking time of some dishes in an electric oven can be reduced by two to three times. After all, in such an oven you can cook on several levels at once.

Here are some reviews on how to choose an electric built-in oven.

At the same time, the majority is still on the side of electric stoves. Indeed, according to those who shared their opinions, functionality and a wide temperature range (from 30 to 300 degrees) are important advantages.

An electric stove is a choice in favor of safety. After all, gas devices often cause a fire or even an explosion; moreover, a suddenly extinguished flame can lead to tragedy. So how to choose an independent electric oven means choosing peace of mind.

There are many videos on how to choose an electric oven.

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