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Is Wi-Fi dangerous to health?


Wi-Fi wireless technology was pioneered in 1996 by engineer John O’Sullivvanom, an idea that originated in the Australian Radio Astronomy Laboratory. The short abbreviation Wi-Fi is interpreted as “wireless fidelity", translated into Russian, this phrase means “wireless communication”. In simple words, this technology means that digital streams of information are transmitted from one point to another via a kind of radio channels.

Is Wi-Fi dangerous to health?

Benefits of Using Wi-Fi

Such an achievement in science as wireless Internet has gained instant popularity among all segments of the population. This trend is logically explained by the advantages of this invention, which include the following indicators:

Does Wi-Fi affect the human body

When people use Wi-Fi, they connect to the Internet via radio waves, in other words, using this technology is compared to a conventional radio. Naturally, the logical question arises “is wifi harmful to humans”.

Interesting Wi-Fi Facts

When studying the effect of Wi-Fi on the human body, one should not forget about other devices that also have a certain effect. Each of us has a mobile phone that receives a signal from anywhere. We actively use the microwave, watch TV. In other words, we are affected by industrial radiation all day long. Therefore, to judge the negative impact of Wi-Fi is simply inappropriate.

Watch a video about the potential dangers of wireless networks.

What can excessive Internet use lead to?

Despite the fact that until today, some scientists continue to talk about the harm from wifi, while the second experts claim that this technology has less impact than other industrial devices. But, by and large, Wi-Fi is more harmful in terms of the indispensability of the Internet in everyday life. So, modern teenagers, and even adults, can spend hours on the Internet and not pay attention to the world around them. With the advent of the Internet, people no longer need live communication. The constant presence at the computer can cause many problems, including diseases. These problems include:

  • Chronic fatigue ;
  • The emergence of addiction to computer games;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Visual impairment ;
  • Adynamia, which occurs as a result of a decrease in motor activity.

In order not to face such problems, experts recommend metered use of the Internet.

How to reduce the possible risk from Wi-Fi

Despite the fact that many modern studies prove the minimal harm of Wi-Fi, unlike other household appliances that radiate people, there are still opinions about its negative impact. Thus, experts have put forward several rules, adhering to which you can insure yourself against the negative effects of Wi-Fi. These guidelines include the following:

Even most doctors agree that Wi-Fi has minimal impact on the human body, since the principle of its operation is very similar to conventional radio. To date, there is no clear evidence that Wi-Fi is harmful to human health, but the possibility of a negative impact from this device after a long time during its use is also not excluded. That is why people are advised to adhere to all of the above recommendations.

Is Wi-Fi dangerous to health?

Medical help

If a person began to feel the consequences of being near the computer for too long, he should seek help from a physician. In such situations, you need to go to such doctors as:

  • Therapist;
  • family doctor;
  • Ophthalmologist. Most often, as a result of a long pastime near the computer, vision deteriorates;
  • Orthopedist. Due to a long stay in a sitting position, problems begin with the motor apparatus. And if a person is still sitting incorrectly at the table, then the spine suffers first of all;
  • A specialist in physical therapy.

In the most extreme cases, when a person becomes very ill, he needs to contact a neurologist and a psychotherapist.

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